Please note that the FONT tag is deprecated. Use styles (CSS) instead.

Comparison of <FONT> and <H> tags

The "header" tag <H> automatically inserts a line break. No <P> is needed.

COLOR:    You can use the font tag to change the color of a font. To do this, simply use the font tag with "color" attribute (notice the US spelling):

<font color="green">
You can use any of the 128 colours (linked here)
<font color="ff0000"> You can use any of 16.7 million hex colours! (use GIMP to pick)

COLOR with CSS: Ideally, however, you should use CSS (Cascading style sheets) to define font colors and characteristics. The easiest way to do this (inline) is:
< b style="color: red;" >
Of course CSS is much more powerful and you can do all kinds of fancy things with the text. Code:
< b style="color: red; background-color: black" >
What this actually does is change how the <b> tag behaves. You could use the color change in conjunction with any formatting tag! You can use the color names OR the HEX codes.

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