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List of ALL HTML tags:

Beginner's HTML

Beginner tags:

For an explanation of the parameters associated with each of the tags listed below, please visit the "Webmonkey" link.

    HTML = Hypertext Markup Language
    This tag tells the browser that this is an HTML file. Every page should begin with the <html> and end with the </html> tag.
    Anchor tag. Creates a link to another file.
    Paragraph. Skips a line.
    <br />
    Line Break. Goes on to next line.
    Header. Includes bold and skips a line after header. The "font" tag has been deprecated in the latest xhtml standards and should not be used (except in your first 'test' page).
    Centers pictures, tables, text, etc.
    <hr />
    Horizontal Rule. Draws a line across the page. Notice that it closes itself (close tag not required)
    References an image so that it is rendered into your page inside your web browser.
    Enclosed area keeps all text attributes including white space.
    Typing Text. Typewriter like font.
    Italics (Usually <i> is used)
    Italics (Usually <i> is used)
Indents both sides of screen.
    <!--    Comments
Text contained inside the <!-- and --> will not appear in the document. The comments tag can be used in a single line or span multiple lines.

Intermediate Tags:

  1. <head>
  2. <title>
  3. <table>
  4. <dl>
  5. <ul>
  6. <ol>
  7. <li>
  8. <map>

Advanced Tags:>

  1. <frameset>
  2. <form>